The Software Defined Network Function Virtualization (SDNFV) project is a research collaboration spanning University of California Riverside and George Washington University, led by K.K. Ramakrishnan and Tim Wood. We seek to build highly dynamic software-based networks that provide far greater flexibility than hardware-based approaches, yet still obtain high performance and low cost.

The basis for much of our research is openNetVM, a DPDK based high performance NFV platform that allows network functions such as security monitors, switches, WAN optimizers, etc. to be deployed in Docker containers. openNetVM is SDN-enabled, allowing the network controller to provide rules that dictate what network functions need to process each packet flow.

Our work is supported in part by NSF grants CNS-1422362 and CNS-1522546, and US Army Research grant W911NF-15-1-0508.

Software Releases

Our NFV platform openNetVM is now available for testing. Read more about openNetVM here.
